Steps A Professional Service Will Take To Remove Bats On Your Property

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Are you struggling with a bat infestation on your property? Bats may benefit the ecosystem, but when they start nesting in your attic or other areas of your home, it's time to take action. While some may attempt bat removal on their own, it is best to leave this task to professional pest control services. This article outlines the steps that a professional service will take to safely and effectively remove bats from your property.


The first step in bat removal is a thorough inspection of your property. A professional service will assess the extent of the bat infestation, identify entry points, and determine the appropriate course of action. During the inspection, they will also look for any signs of damage to your property caused by the bats and suggest necessary repairs.


Once the inspection is complete, the next step is exclusion. This involves sealing off all entry points that bats may use to access your property. A professional service will use materials such as caulk, wire mesh, or insulation foam to seal any cracks, gaps, or holes in your home or building. By preventing bats from re-entering, exclusion ensures that the problem is resolved effectively.


To further discourage bats from roosting on your property, bat-proofing measures may be recommended. This can include the installation of bat houses, which provide an alternative roosting location for bats away from your home. Additionally, a professional service may advise you on minimizing attractants, such as outdoor lighting or standing water sources that can attract insects — a primary food source for bats.


In some cases, bats may still be present on your property after the exclusion and bat-proofing measures are undertaken. To safely remove the remaining bats, a professional service may employ eviction techniques. This involves creating one-way doors or tubes that allow bats to exit your property but prevent their re-entry. It is important to note that bat eviction should only be done during certain times of the year to avoid separating mothers from their young.

Restoration and Sanitation

After the bats are removed, a professional service will recommend cleaning and sanitizing the area affected by the guano. This is crucial to remove any potential health hazards and odors associated with bat droppings. They will also provide guidance on repairing any damage caused by the bats and preventing future infestations.

Contact a professional to learn more about bat removal
